February 25, 2015 – Toronto, ON—Students and staff at both the University of Ottawa and Seneca College are encountering major improvements in their campus card experience this year thanks to a new integration ITC Systems has developed that allows students to purchase books on their one card. The integration has helped administrators at both institutions lock in substantial time and cost savings.
“We’re really pleased to team with Follett on these types of integration,” notes ITC Systems Vice President of Business Development Dan Bodolai. “As everyone knows, Follett brings strong leadership to the campus bookstore field and they maintain the high standards of product and service that ITC Systems also respects. It’s exciting to be able to bring our resources together so effectively.”
The book store integrations at Ottawa and Seneca allow Follett to process sales through their own point-of-sale system using netZcom, ITC Systems’ latest interface for the company’s campus card management software, Multiplan Matrix Manager. NetZcom is a modern secure web service which offers a simple integration development process while providing powerful interoperability with the Multiplan product suite. The netZcom API is based on the HTTP, SOAP, and XML protocols. It is a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
Multiplan backs the entire one-card plan used by students across campus and the new integration means students will now be able to use their one-card funds to do in-person as well as online interactions with Follett, something they were previously unable to do.
“It’s simple, it’s fast and it’s incredibly convenient for everyone involved,” Mr. Bodolai says. “Our team is always looking for new ways to continue improving customer service and the Follett integration is one we’re especially proud of.”
About ITC Systems
ITC Systems serves post-secondary institutions and a host of other market segments by providing products and services focused on ID card privilege control, access control, and copy and print management. The company also offers card-related products and services for food service, laundry, and other institution-wide sectors. ITC Systems maintains a large dealer network throughout North America and internationally, and it is the industry’s dominant Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). Founded in 1989, ITC Systems works with organizations in the US and Canada through its primary offices in Toronto, St. Louis and San Francisco. To learn more about ITC Systems, visit us at itcsystems.com. For assistance with an upcoming project of your own, contact us at [email protected].