Toronto, July 28th, 2016: ITC Systems introduces the PayStation ELITE! The ‘ELITE’ is the top of the line in our PayStation product program and is feature rich.
Features include:
- 7.5” Color LCD touch screen
- Print Release Embedded (GoPrint, Printer On, PaperCut)
- MFD Interface (all major manufacturers supported)
- Accepts Worldwide Currencies
- Accepts Worldwide Credit & Debit Cards (PCI Certified)
- Media accepted; ABA Mag Stripe, Barcode, Contactless Cards for on Account authentication
- Stored Value Mag Cards
- Receipt Printer
- Communication security is SSL/TLS certification
- Configure all settings remotely from anywhere
Once the user/patron is authenticated or has deposited funds, the print or copy transaction is processed, charged for and logged. The print job is then released or the copy function enabled and the transaction balance displayed. The ELITE also has the ability to add value to accounts, create accounts on the fly, pay library fines and print transaction receipts. It’s Cloud based secure print release is a first in the industry, place the ELITE beside any MFD and get a ROI immediately.
Perfect for use in Public Libraries, Retail Stores, Schools, Copy/Print Centers and any place a charge for the use of a copier or printer is required. Give it a test drive today, for more information on the PayStation ELITE;
Contact [email protected] (416) 289-2344 or (314) 872-7772.
About ITC Systems
ITC Systems is an international company that began specializing in Integrated Transaction Control Systems in 1989. Our modest start did not hint at our eventual development into the leading supplier of self-serve based transaction control devices and related software systems for libraries, universities and other closed environments; nor did it suggest that we would eventually be considered the key player in this sector throughout North America. But we have built our success on our commitment to supplying highly reliable products that can be customized to serve each customer’s specific situation. And we have become flexible problem-solvers dedicated to developing creative solutions that deliver to our customers exactly what they need, as economically as possible.